I am currently fascinated with a singer/songwriter who goes by the stage name of LP. She has been in the music business since 2006. During that time she not only has recorded her own songs, but also has written songs for Rihanna, Cher, The Backstreet Boys, and many others. Continue reading

Farewell Major Tom

News broke yesterday of the death of cultural icon David Bowie – musician, actor, artist. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. Sad of course, especially for his family and friends. I have to admit, david_bowie_by_aerokay-d5ig1rnthough, that I was never a huge fan of his however, there are definitely some songs that bring back memories of my youth. And naturally I remember his wonderfully anti-conventional stage presence. If my parents thought the Beatles and the Rolling Stones were going to cause the youth of the world to go to hell, imagine what they thought of David Bowie!

Each time we lose a legendary artist like Bowie, I feel that much closer to the loss of an era, my era. Maybe it’s just because of my age that I’ve started to recognize more of the celebrated people passing these days. Kind of makes you stop and think, doesn’t it. Continue reading